Our Mission

Nurture Nepal relieves hardship and inspires hope for deprived people by giving them opportunities to transform their lives for a better future.


Our Vision

We want to see a world where:

  • Individuals seek to change and develop their communities so that they thrive

  • Poverty and hardship are overcome and everyone’s basic needs are met

  • Women are recognised and respected in Nepali society

  • Gender, ethnicity and social status do not stop people from having a good education and opportunities in life

  • Young people have access to high-quality educational facilities giving them a chance to become self-sufficient

  • All people in poor rural communities are empowered to work so as to improve the economic situation for their families and community


Our Story

We are a small group of people who want to make a difference in Nepal. One of the charity’s founders is married to a Nepali and has been living in Nepal ever since. As a team, we have seen inequalities and injustices first-hand in Nepal and wanted to help the deprived and marginalised in society, particularly women. We believe that social inequality and injustices that women face are issues that we can help to address and solve.

The founder, with her husband, started supporting 6 young girls to enable them to gain a higher education as well as providing them with teaching in different areas. This was all possible through the willing support of friends. As we heard more young girls’ difficult stories, our hearts broke and moved with compassion and we hoped to help more girls.

In 2020 we felt it was important to formalise our work, and with the help and support of family and friends, we registered as a Charity and Nurture Nepal came into existence. Now, in 2023 we have 27 girls and 8 boys from disadvantaged backgrounds living at the hostel, all involved in our sponsorship program.

Our founder has an aspiring vision to help more young people, particularly girls, gain an education and a brighter future. Our hope is to expand our residential accommodation to achieve this. Another vision is to open a children’s home to support orphans in Nepal.


Where Do We Work?

About the country, Nepal

Nepal is considered one of the poorest countries in the world and, according to the Human Development Report, 25% of Nepal’s population is living on less than US$1 per day. UNICEF provides data that 66% of adults are less educated and have only completed primary level education. In the 2 districts that we mainly work in, Kailali and Bardiya, the average literacy rate is 25%.

About the family structure in Nepal

Typically in Nepal, the husband is fully responsible for financially supporting his immediate family which includes not only his wife and children but parents and any siblings who haven’t yet married. He can be supporting 7-10 people on his wage alone. For a family living on a very low wage, this can be extremely challenging and children regularly have to work instead of going to school. Daughters are often married off young to alleviate family expenses.

More often than not those from poor families are more likely to drop out of education because they need to help provide money for their families or help farm the land in order to eat and survive.

About disadvantaged women in Nepal

In Nepal, girls are often considered inferior and seen as a “burden” on the family, which will be lightened only when they marry. This comes from the understanding that sons stay with and financially support their parents, whereas girls move out to live with their husbands. According to UNICEF, 40% of Nepali girls are married before their 18th birthday, and it is more likely for girls to marry before 18 if they come from poor and less educated families. Girls and women from minority groups suffer many forms of discrimination based on caste and gender which makes them vulnerable and disadvantaged.



Who Do We Support?

Nurture Nepal work specifically with minority groups like the Tharu people, an ethnic group indigenous to the Terai in southern Nepal, who have a low-status in society. Many people from this group are uneducated and have a low-income, and are only expected to provide manual labour. They live in under-development areas in socially and economically disadvantaged communities.



Why Do We Support?

Nurture Nepal believe that education is the most powerful tool to give people the chance to have more opportunities in life and to reach their potential. We believe this assists them with a fair chance of getting a good job, lifting them out of poverty and developing their communities.

We believe in supporting girls and women, as educating girls is not seen as important or a priority. We strongly believe that gaining a good education will not just further their life expectancies but also empower them. Higher education will also help lift their status in society so helping increase their health and prosperity. We believe gaining a high-level education magnifies their value as a person.

We have seen that the financial struggles are very real, and there are few opportunities for social and economic advancement for those from uneducated backgrounds. We value individuals as unique and deserving of opportunities.


Our Current Project